project, which I presented to the French Parliament, is entirely
suited to adaptation in your country, which I - like all democratic
countries - must tackle the problems of abstention and
extremism. I commend it to you with pleasure for your
possible own use. I should point out that my idea could also be
implemented for "PARLIAMENTARY" or "LOCAL ELECTIONS"...
I am convinced that this project can be a workable blueprint for
all European countries. |
Open letter to citizens of the Republic »
This is an open
letter to all responsible – and potentially responsible – citizens of the
French Republic, who can spare the required five minutes or so to read it.
Since September
2003, my Proposal (attached) has been sent to ALL our political
representatives – Ministers, Members of Parliament, Senators, etc.
Who am I?
A simple citizen
with no political leanings or axe to grind, who is proposing a new
election method for the Presidency of the French Republic in 2007.
Our country is at
risk from the first round of the 2007 Presidential Elections unless the
voting system is changed.
Simply because
abstention rates will reach an historic record, as new legislation thrusts
5 million teenagers (with little incentive to vote) on the electoral
register alongside existing voters, between now and 2007. Yet no market researcher has shown any interest in
the voting intentions of this age group for the
first round of the 2007 ballot.
By systematically
restricting opinion canvassing to - and involving only - adults, forecasts
for the first round in 2007 will inevitably be flawed due to these
'forgotten' 5 million. It is a simple matter of
I have therefore
put forward an idea, which, though not a panacea, will change our approach to this decisive
election in 2007.
Only a citizens' movement can
persuade our political masters to grasp the nettle and reform our current
With sensible Men
and Women onboard, I am certain that we can succeed in changing the
electoral system in time for the first round of the 2007 Presidential
Elections - by daring at least
to stimulate a debate on this idea (or others)...
May I now ask you
to take a few minutes to read the attached Proposal (printable version),
and leave any comments or suggestions (and if possible a message of
support) through the contact form?
Incidentally, any distribution of
this proposal is not only authorised, but encouraged – and
Click below to see the
Proposal for
